The mall ran out of cheese and your friend is not happy about it. Guide them through a series of levels in this chaotic action game.

In this game, your friend’s unstable mood can allow you to break things or push them away. Use this at your advantage to progress throughout this very common mall.

Wait, your mall doesn’t have light beams ?

3 years ago, I made "I. Want. Cheese." in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 49. It quickly became my favorite game I had ever made. It's short and sweet, but leaves room for mastery when it comes to its unconventional mechanics. However, there was an ick: the way I coded the game made it unplayable on most machines in unpredictable ways. I couldn't easily share the game without the experience being ruined by some long-lasting bug.

In 2024, I took the time to finally correct all of these mistakes to finally present my jam game the way it was meant to be played, along with extra quality-of-life features that are always welcome. I hope you enjoy this silly piece of content!

Updated 6 days ago
Published 7 days ago
PlatformsWindows, Android, HTML5


Download 33 MB
Download 28 MB

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